Sobre nós

I have been interested in shells since very young. When younger I used to practice sea hunting and during that time I had the opportunity to find and collect fantastic samples. I am from the northeast of Brazil, a city named Recife, and the sea shells from our coast always intrigued me.
I went the first time to Europe in 1985. At that trip I took with some samples of Brazilian shells in order to try to exchange with some Portuguese shell collectors I was going to meet. At that opportunity I met the collectors Paulo Granja, Antonio Monteiro, Luiz Tavora e Gonçalo Rosa, who are still my friends today. At the same trip, I also had the opportunity to meet a dealer called Guilherme Soares, who I exchange my shells with and showed a lot of interest in the Brazilian samples.
That travel to Portugal made me think about the shelling business. Although the fact that Guilherme Soares had expressed that he was interested in buying some shells from Brazil, I only ended up entering in the shelling business in 1987. At that year I sent a price list to a few dealers in the United States which I had got their address through the COA Magazine. My first client was Mal De Mer Enterprises. With that first order it was born my company: Donax Seashells.
Our main focus today is still on Brazilian shells but not only from the sea. Today we also have available Brazilian landsnail and freshwater species. We have spectacular samples from the Brazilian northeastern coast to the deep of the Amazon rainforest. Besides Brazilian shells, we also offer special shells from all around the globe. As we have visited over 50 countries of the world throughout the years, you will find in our catalog hundreds of species for you to enjoy.
Moreover, Donax Seashells is today a reference in market. We are known by the quality of our shells and service. We believe that only through extreme high customer's satisfaction will build a sustainable business which will therefore generate profitable deals for all stakeholders.
We hope you enjoy our shells.
Good shelling!